About Me

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Myckelle Williams, Creator of the Heartwood Project™, a 16-hour intensive workshop focused on emotional healing from past strongholds. Myckelle is the author of the novel 'Choosing the Road Less Traveled: Finding Grace on the Path to Purpose', now available on Amazon.com. Once a homeless teen parent with a crisis pregnancy...now a Wife, mother, speaker, mentor, and Servant of Christ with a testimony of finding Grace while overcoming the odds. Myckelle is the co-founder of B.L.O.G. Online Magazine (www.blogmagazine.org) You can also hear Myckelle hosting on her Monthly Blogtalk Live! radio show on the 4th Thursdays at 8:00 est on www.blogtalkradio.com/blogtalklive For more information on booking Myckelle for an event or speaking engagement, email booking@mpowermentww.org, Or find Myckelle at: www.facebook.com/myckelle For more information on the Heartwood Project, visit www.theheartwoodproject.org

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
or the sake of your tradition.

I am so sick of hypocrites!! ~They give us Christians a BAD Name!

Would it surprise you to discover that Jesus didn't like hypocrites either? Not only were they insincere, He said, but they made a mockery of true faith and brought disgrace to it.
JESUS CHRIST did not mince words when it came to religious hypocrisy. That, more than anything else, is what got Him killed. His death was a staged assassination by a few religious hypocrites who The Lord was very effectively exposing to the people under their authority.
In fact, some of Jesus' strongest words were directed at people who claimed to follow God but in reality weren't obeying Him but were selfish and unloving and evil. On one occasion, He boldly condemned some of the religious leaders of His day with these words: "On the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness" (Matthew 23:28). God knows our hearts and minds, He was reminding them - and nothing is hidden from Him.
Jesus: "..you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites!... 'This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me; in VAIN do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'" (Matthew 15:1-9 RSV)

Jesus was so straight up and direct, he was eventually killed for speaking against them. (Although we know he purposely laid down His life, thier intentions at the time were obviously to 'silence' him)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Taming the Tongue!

This past Friday in our family bible study, we discussed controlling our mouths. This is important for those who profess to be 'Christians' on Sunday's, but Monday thru Saturday say whatever comes out of thier mouths, no matter how hateful, disrespectful, or rebellious.
The Bible warns that believers who do not bring restraint to their tongue and speech have been deceived — and without such control over their words, their religious acts are worthless and hypocritical. “If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless” (James 1:26). It is a deception for any of us to think that Jesus can be Lord over our life, without also becoming Lord over our tongue.
……So too, though the tongue is a small part [of the body], it boasts great things. Consider how large a forest a small fire ignites (James 3:5).

What I have learned too is that the more you start to operate in the 'Fruits of the Spirit' of Galatians, you will feel the need less and less to live by the flesh. It is hard to Break old habits, but easier when you REPLACE them with new habits.

Grown Ups that need to...Grow up!

How many times have we heard the words "Im Grown!" From some young person, as they disrespect an elder, or even some grown person who uses it to justify thier outlandish behavior. If you are truly GROWN, as you state.. you shouldnt need to declare it to everyone who will listen. It should be obvious in the way you walk, talk, act, and carry yourself.

Let's get it straight: There is a big difference between being 'Grown' and being 'Mature'! You HAVE to grow up (older) due to time passing, but Maturity is gained by Wisdom, Self-Control, and doing the Right thing: even when no one us looking! QOTD: Are you a Real Woman/Man...or still just a big KID!? I see alot of 30-50 year old who are still immature, and have seen some teens who are respectful, mature, and extremely wise.

See...most time it's the people who love to say 'Im 'grown'' that are still behaving like 6 year olds:
Throwing temper tantrums, lying, and gossiping even well into their 30's and 40's. How can we expect the next generation to learn what it is to be mature if we don't role model it ourselves!? WE have grown men who refuse to work, sit around playing video games all day, and allow themselves to be supported by the women in thier lives. I know women who leave thier kids home and party at the club, dress younger than thier teen daughters, and fight in the streets like female hoodlums at 40.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

...WHY ME?!?!

For it is written:
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”
‘Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom...but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” ~ 1 Cor -31

From the time I was young, I have felt the hand of the Lord on my life. Although I wasn’t raised around Christians, God always seemed to send Godly people along my path.  I felt that His hands were always there, leading and guiding me, even when I didn’t want to be led or guided...even through my teen rebellious years.  At age 18, I was basically homeless and pregnant, with a one year old, and went to live with a white family, who taught me about the Lord, and showed me love. It was my own personal ‘Different Strokes’ story. These people initially were strange to me- they sang, talked, walked and lived for Jesus. I had never seen or experienced anything like them. Their love enveloped me, and they totally accepted me, regardless of what I did. They patiently answered my many questions about God and His ways, and  for 6 months they were there...all the way through the birth of my daughter, to my wedding day. And I knew the entire time that God had orchestrated the whole thing. And still I asked...Why me?

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Heartwood Conception...

"When you plant lettuce, if it does not grow well, you don't blame the lettuce. You look for reasons it is not doing well. It may need fertilizer, or more water, or less sun. You never blame the lettuce! Yet if we have problems with our friends or family, we blame the other person. But if we know how to take care of them, they will grow well...like the lettuce. Blaming has no positive effect at all, nor does trying to persuade using reason and arguments. That is my experience. No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding (of the root issue)."

-- Thich Nhat Hahn

This concept of planting and reaping is what I have decided to base my 'Heartwood Project' program on. I was originally trying to find a Public speaking niche that was unique, and looking to create a market for myself in speaking. I already speak about abstinence, Abortion, etc. But I felt that there was something that I could address that was different. So, a while back, I asked my Facebook friends 'What would you PAY to hear someone do a seminar about?' I figured that this would inspire me to come up with a topic that was needed. Interestingly, the overwhelming majority said 'How to overcome the pain of your past so it doesnt affect the future.' And it was then that I relaized that alot of people out there want to get OVER stuff, and really dont know how to do it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In Love with LOVE...

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”...Heb 13:5

Wow! What man on this earth can promise that, and really LIVE by it? Unconditional, undying, pursuing, patient love with NO limits? God stands at the door of your heart and knocks, just waiting for you to open up and fully surender to His Love, but so many of us are not ready to let go of the ‘Love’ we feel we have here on earth.  We feel as if we need ‘Human arms’ to hold us at night.
My heart always aches when I see young girls degrade themselves, strip down in photos, offer thier bodies, and desperately chase men, in order to feel attention and value for what ends up being temporary pleasure. They will acept anyone who treats them any kind of way, just for the sake of being in a ‘relationship.’ Some of us dont even love ourSELVES, and are looking for someone else to love us unconditionally.
So why do we keep LOOKING for it...when we already have it?!? Dont be so afraid of being alone that you settle for less than what God can offer you...and less than you deserve. ~You already have the Greatest LOVE of all! But are you even ready or willing to receive it? Actions speak louder than words; Love is a verb, not a noun.
1 Corinthians 13 describes what TRUE Love is...and what it isnt. So, the next time someone tells you they love you, refer to that chapter as the measure.  ~What you find there may truly suprise you!

I love this poem written by my daughter. This is only part of it, but she is such a young lady full of wisdom when it comes to matters of the heart and God:

LOVE...By Briana D Williams

Let me get this correct
Just for effect
Cause I don't think you guys understand my dialect
Yes my dialect,
Need I be more direct?
Or Is what I'm saying just too Complex ?
Yes cause what I'm trying to say is...
Your love is not love- unless it's the type of love that God gives 
It's patient
And love is kind.
More than him staring as you attempt to switch your behind
trying to get noticed, but to him it's dully noted
your a face with no name, free to use at his disposal
a pastime and a shoulder
An invitation to come over 
Five minutes, all is given, and he'll be absent by the morning...
It's doesn't boast
it's not proud
It's certainly not rude
He should be more than willing to take a walk in your shoes
instead of pressuring you into doing the do
He should want to take the pain from you
He should want to give not gain from you
This man should be willing to get on down on  his knees and pray for you
Protect and defend your honor too
Look, I'm talking about that Crazy love
It's not temperamental
It won't leave you scarred and bitter
a broken woman who mistakes lust for love and uses it as shelter
It doesn't have society's limitations
one mistake,
two mistakes,
three mistakes,
and still it forgives and forgets without any hesitations
because Love....
Love never Fails.

The Lord Giveth....

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
   and naked I will depart.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
   may the name of the LORD be praised.” --Job

I surely felt like Job this week as I watched our one and only car get taken by the Repo man.  He even tried to start an altercation, but I just calmly handed him the keys, called my children to help clean out the car, gathered my personal belongings in a garbage bag,  and walked away with my head high, without even looking back. Humiliating in front of the neighbors, yes...but after my mother’s fire this week, my aunt in by-pass surgery and me not being able to afford to go be by her side, and not being able to afford my daughters cap and gown, or college down payment... this seemed to pale in comparison. So, to celebrate, I went to a restaurant by myself, sat at a bar and ordered a glass of wine. I don’t even drink. I just wanted to stop feeling the anger and sadness that I knew was coming on. Even my prayers were not easing the hurt this time....they just felt bitter.

As I sat...In my mind, I started mulling over everything I had lost, and was losing. My husband has to leave town all week long to work on the road, and brings home just enough to pay the rent, and a few bills. I formed a one-man ‘pity party’ about how my bank account had just been closed, and my internet is off.  I even ‘reminded’ God that I have been submersing myself in ministry and spending my days uplifting others. How I spend the little bit of money that I do make on gas traveling down to the church three days per week. Complained that there are 9 of us living in an apartment, and no one else contributing. I think how through all that is going on, I even remain faithful...and boy have I been tempted! Two very wealthy men have offered to fly me out of town- one to Paris and Mexico-free of charge. I have handsome men that are in the public eye, daily telling me how beautiful I am, and that I need to be treated like a queen....while all of my possessions are in storage, and I have two pairs of shoes I have been wearing for the past 8 months. (Scratch that...now three, because my son bought me a pair) Yet, I still tell these men ‘No thank you’. I say it shakily, so shakily...but I say it.  I have to pray for strength, afterwards, but I still pray.  I have to stay mindful that these men want to use me, and possibly throw me away afterwards. And while temporarily it may be a exciting experience while it is happening...in the end I will be left lonelier than ever, with scars of rejection, and low self-esteem.  Angry at myself for becoming that ‘foolish woman that tears her house down with her own hands.’ -Proverbs 14:1, and later having to beg God, and my children for forgiveness. And being embarrassed in front of all of those women I ministered to....Oh, no. I refuse to go out like that!

I must keep reminding myself that God is trying to show us something right here, right now...that there is a lesson here. I just wish I knew 100% what it is...but obviously it is not for me to know fully yet.   
One thing I am sure of: God has us in Memphis for a reason. Obviously not what I originally thought, but I know there is a Purpose for us to uproot our lives and come here. Even if it was just to do what I have done in the Drama Dept at New D Church. The youth in the drama team have just blessed me in so many ways. They have worked hard, been focused and dedicated, and even turned their lives around. We have totally fallen in love with them. Our children have closer relationships with God than ever before. They hold their own bible studies, and are fasting and reading on their own. The women on my WOW studies have been blessed. At one time, I was hosting that call with my electricity in the house turned off, and doing the lesson sitting out in my car!  And women still told me that the study blessed them, changed their lives, and empowered them to move forward. And so.... I realize... that I have Power. And the enemy is obviously mighty afraid of that Power.         

‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.’--John

I know that Satan is trying to distract me from my Purpose. I know that he knows my weaknesses, and he also knows I have an important mission. For years, he has attempted to tear our family apart, and uses every weapon in his arsenal to do it, including ourselves. He has not succeeded yet, and I know that irritates him.  Sometimes I think we all stay together just to make him mad...lol...So I pray, rebuke, and try to stay aware...and attempt daily to focus on the positive. I know that the God I serve is a Restorer. He even restored Job after Job lost everything.  If he can do it for Job...he can do it for me, right?

Restore... reinstate, re-establish, bring back, return, refurbish, renovate, repair, make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-) pay (again), (make) (to) (be at) peace . . . prosper (-ous), recompense, render, require, make restitution, restore, reward, surely.

I learned that when God restores He brings the object of restoration back in a better way than it was in its former state! When God restores, He brings increase with it! When God restores, He multiplies it! When God restored Job, He gave Job double (Job 42:10). That is the nature of my God. After our first fire, we got our home back better than it was before the fire, and our income had doubled during that time. So I have witnessed it firsthand.

Restoration is a principle exemplified throughout God's Word. Almost every single time, the return was ordered to be more than that--a double blessing, or four or five times greater (Exodus 22:1; 22:4; Leviticus 6:5, ). There was a "seven fold" principle in connection with restoration (and vengeance) as well. Proverbs 6:31b says, "Yet when he (the thief) is found, he must restore sevenfold…"

I know this to be true because in the Bible there are several examples of when harm came to someone or something was stolen... God commanded and brought restoration greater than what was plundered or robbed.

The Lord is the only one who can restore those years to us—and He does it supernaturally. No other power in heaven or on earth can create or renew time. It happens only through the supernatural power of the Lord.

Restoration of lost years is based upon an additional truth found in Joel 2:12–17: our need to actively seek the Lord. That passage begins with God’s command: “Now, therefore [because of the devastation you have seen],’ says the LORD, ‘turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning” (verse 12, NKJV). Healing and restoration come when we turn deliberately to seek the Lord with all our heart, acknowledging that He is the only one who can restore. So I keep seeking, keep standing, despite what it looks like, because I know that God has big plans for me. He hasn’t revealed them all yet, but he just told me that I need to sit down and finish my programs, so that’s what I do in all my spare time.

God wants to restore everything to you too! What has the enemy stolen from you?

Jesus has indeed come to restore what Satan has taken away. Restoration is realized by faith in God and His Word and our declaration of that truth. "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32). So when I start to think that God gives His all for us, even down to His only son, I have no choice but to persevere, and keep moving forward. Am I tempted to cave in and quit? Absolutely. I know that I could be on a plane tomorrow and off in a sunny location somewhere with a stunning model. But I have to decide whether my soul is worth forsaking God and what I know to be right.  Plus, I still have to set an example to my children of how to overcome trials and temptations. How to stand and overcome. That even through suffering you can depend on God and He will come through for you. If I bail, how can they ever believe this for their own lives and marriages?  I am breaking the generational curses of single-parenthood, and lust.  To do that...I must continue to stay married and faithful.

In the end, I think about the people in Japan and how they surely are going through even more than us...and I feel ashamed for even complaining. We are still eating, and have a roof over our head, however packed it is inside-at least its packed with people we love and trust. My things are in storage, but I at least HAVE them. God will bring the house eventually to put them in. I remember now that God has done miracles in our lives before. We have had lots of  money, and we have been really broke. We have been up, we have been down. We have lost disloyal friends and family, and we have gained loyal friends and family. So, this is once again just temporary, God says so in my spirit...and I have to believe Him. That still, quiet voice just keeps telling me to “press on.” ...And so I get up, wipe my tears, and take yet another step forward.     
I have just one request:
Keep me strong, Lord...so that I can keep doing Your will, and not my own.

When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but do not quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things go wrong... that you must not quit.

-- Author Unknown
...The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
   may the name of the LORD
(STILL) be praised.” --Job

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


~Find it hard to 'Forgive and Forget'? ~

"Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future."-- Lewis B. Smedes.

I have heard people say often "I can forgive, but I CANT ever forget." And of course, no we cant erase memories, and/or re-write history...we cant pretend it never happened, nor ignore the pain it caused. But once we change the definition of forgiveness to understand that it does not mean that what the person did was 'okay'..but that it is for ourselves to be able to; 1) Move forward into our Purpose, (1 Pet 1:2-3)  2) get forgiveness for our own sins in return (Matt 6:14)  3) set aside and 'forget' the need to get revenge or retaliate against the person, and allow God to handle them (Rom 12:19)... forgiveness will then be easier to give...and receive.
Why should we do this? Sometimes it feels better to be angry at the person!  It gives us a sense of satisfaction, and entitlement to nuture hate for them in our heart.  But reseach has shown that bitterness and malice eventaully can manifest themselves into cancers and stress-related illnesses. In other words, your bitterness staarts to eat at YOU from this inside out! I read a great book about forgiveness recently. It was called "Total Forgiveness" By R.T. Kendall, and it talks about what forgiveness IS, and what it isnt, but I learned that forgiveness is more for the giver than for the receiver, and will allow you to move forward into the future without allowing it to affect the NEXT generation!!
But the real question is: are you really ready to let go?!?  

Just Passing Through....

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze” --Isaiah 43:2

I think sometimes I feel more like Shedrack, Meshack and Abendigo than anyone I know!!  In the past ten years, I have experienced two house fires. Each time there was a painful loss, each time a
re-building process...each time, a sense of recovery. Each time, God was with us, and brought us through successfully.

A few days ago, On April 1st, my mothers home burned down as well. Fire number three

This one struck me particularly hard. Not only because mom was always classy and beautiful, but she collected beautiful expensive things, and cherished them, and kept them in great condition. Her home was always neat, pristine, and orderly. It was hard enough for me to accept her having the stroke that paralyzed her, but to know that she also lost all of her valued possessions that she worked so hard to keep nice.  As my dad dragged her out through the fire, she begged to be left in the house as it burned. That's how much she loved her home.That's a little over the top...but I cant say I dont understand her...

First she lost her bodily functions, her independance, her hair...now all the jewelry, beautiful clothes, attic full of decorations, family pictures and photo albums, videos, trinkets and china, tables and chairs, freshly painted basement walls, new roof installed that year, her hospital bed, walker, clothes, shoes, everything, she had collected for over 30+ years...Gone in a matter of hours. Now, I am praying that this next chapter will be the time of complete and total 'restoration'-like the leper who lost limbs, and through healing, even those were restored as new to his body!! 

I admit: This is painful for me as well, even as someone who knows that you shouldnt place a high value on possessions... because I felt that that her home was my home away from home, and a place I could retreat to in times of conflict, and/or desperation. I hate knowing that I lost what I considered a 'sanctuary'. As her only child, the house represented us. My kids and I were on every wall.

I have repeatedly been wondering what God is trying to teach me in all this. Why each time I finally feel a tiny bit secure...it seems I lose something else. Our cars, our homes, our business.  I am obviously being taught not to hold on to temporal, earthly things...and whenever I put too much value on any one thing, apart from Him...I lose it. He wants to be my sanctuary...my place of retreat and rest. Every other building I valued has turned to ash. Why he wants to teach me this lesson, I am not sure... I have seen other Chritians who have kept thier homes for years, cars. etc. But I am sure that He will reveal that too in His own time. I value every lesson as an opportunity for growth.

I praise God that my mom is alive, though, nothing can replace her life. Yes, I know that God keeps and covers her, but that doesn’t stop me from the feeling the excruciating sense of loss.

Yes, I KNOW they are just material things, but I grieve them just the same.  I grieve that as the kids get older, we cant show them the pictures from when they were tiny. We cant show them thier home videos where Gerald crawled for the first time, and I caught it on camera. The hand sewn blanket my beloved grandmother made for my mother when I was young, and sewed dozens of dollar bills on it as a gift. It was beautiful, and purple,...mom's favorite color. She still slept with it. 
I wanted to be able to show my grandkids the pictures of their great-great-grandfather, the one time I ever got to see him in Canada. Now, I can only discuss the memory of those things.  Some things, like family photos, cannot be replaced. You can make new and better memories, and take new photos..but I think there is something really special about capturing your good times on film, and showing them to your children, and childrens children later on. My 20 year old son's baby bed was even there. I would have loved to give it to him for his firstborn.

After my first housefire, I had a woman tell me 'You must not have faith, or be a true Christian, because you CRIED when your home burned down. You are supposed to walk in JOY" That is just weird 'spooky' Christianity..to smile after a fire? I dont think so....I think THAT would be unnatural!
I am human like everyone else. I suffer loss, I grieve. Jesus cried many times...even for Lazarus, whom he KNEW that he would raise from the dead! Loss has the power to move you whether you are a Christian or not.  Even when you KNOW the God is with you, and will restore. 

Each life experience is a lesson. I can truly say that I have been through many fires...and God has used them to purge, cleanse, strengthen, and make me loosen my hold on earthly treasures. 
(Um, Okay, Lord. I got it!! lol... No more, pretty please, no more loss...)

On the other hand: this could also be Satan's way of trying to derail me from my mission, and throw setbacks in our path...but I try not to ever give him too much credit.~ I just remember John 9:1-3: "As Jesus went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” said Jesus,
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,”“but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." Jesus healed that blind man, and God got all the glory. 
See..Many people automatically assume when you go through hardship that it is something you did wrong, or you must have 'deserved it'. This is ignorant, judgemental thinking. They even thought that way about Jesus as he was being nailed to the cross....not realizing that he was assuring thier very salvation!

So, Please pray with and for me...and dont judge me...because I may feel occassional sadness and need encouragement through the next few days or weeks. But God is still good, and I still know that He is with me...even throug the midst it all. I am believing that everything that is happening to us will all eventually lead to His Glory!!
I know and believe that...' all things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.'
And I am no longer afraid of the fire....


Daniel 3:27: “...They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.


Why do you think that just because you have God in your life that things will be easy?
John 16:33 says, "In this world you will have trouble...but take heart; I have overcome the world."
Notice that He did not say that we MIGHT have trouble in this world, but instead, He specifically says that we WILL have trouble. Yes, you will still ...go through trials and persecutions: It is guaranteed!! And PLEASE stop mis-quoting scripture by saying "God wont give us more than we can handle." That is not what the bible says!! 1 Cor 10:13-15 13~ 'No temptation has overtaken you except such as is COMMON to man (its nothing new); but God is faithful, who will not ALLOW YOU TO BE TEMPTED beyond what you are able, BUT with that temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.' So get it right: Yes you WILL go through things, you WILL be tempted and but God WILL make a way OUT...but the REAL question you need to honestly ask yourself is: do you really want to take the 'escape'...or are you enjoying the tempations, and everything that come with them? Hmmm...
God wants to remove all 'burdens' and 'yokes' from your life...but guess what I learned: many people dont want Him to!!! Yes, He'll free you...but some people are HAPPIER being enslaved!! He gives you an open door, but you wont walk through it. Then when life gets hard, you get mad & blame HIM.
...But when YOU CHOOSE to speed along a collision course, despite every Flashing Warning sign you see...Crashing is inevitable!

Do you build up...or tear down?!?!

"A wise woman (or girl) builds her house...but a foolish one tears hers down with her own hands."--Proverbs 14:1.

What type of future/legacy are you building for yourself and the generations after you? Are you being a wise woman and setting yourself and your family up for success--or are your decisions causing setbacks? Too many times I have seen women allow 'emotion' to dictate their next move.  Even young girls are refusing to decide early what type of career to pursue, and what type of partner would best help them achieve thier goals, and compliment thier purpose. They are more concerned about finding someone 'cute'. Honey, cute doesnt pay the bills in the long run!

We dont realize that they are the 'EZER KENEGDO' that God sent to man, to be translated the literal 'Lifesaver in times of desperate need, parrallel/face-to-face to meet his needs' -but that is instead loosely translated 'helpmeet'. If only we could comprehend that all of the decisions that we make have far reaching and long-term consequences, that will forever impact the future: we would stop being FOOLISH...and start thinking before we act!!!

Thank you for visiting...

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