Leap (lep)v.
1) An abrupt or precipitous passage, shift, or transition
2) to come into prominence rapidly
3) a change from one place or state or subject or stage to another
As I prepare to launch B.L.O.G. Magazine tonight at midnight, I realize that this is a LEAP year! And like the definition states, I’m feeling an abrupt shift, a rapid transition, a change in state and place that is occurring this very day. Not only because it’s a year different than other years in that there is an extra day thrown in for the purpose of keeping the Calendar consistent, but this Leap year has special meaning for me. The past four years (since the economic crash of 2007-2008) have brought discomfort, pain and grief into my life on so many levels. We lost businesses, homes, cars, and family members lost their health and fell away. Although still involved in ministry, I inwardly felt as though God had abandoned me. I thought things were looking up and we had an opportunity to do great things and move to Tennessee, that plan fell through and we were left even worse off than before. It seems that like the Israelites, we were doomed to wander in the Wilderness.